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Rheem Ranked #1 in 2021 by Forbes!

Here at Filan and Conner we proudly use Rheem's products. Recently, Forbes Advisor released their “Best Air Conditioning Brands 2021” where they chose Rheem Heating and Cooling as the top brand for 2021!

The editorial team at Forbes Advisor analyzed data across 15 HVAC companies, and rated companies based on criteria such as price, SEER ratings, warranty, customer rating, and more.

When asked why they choose Rheem, the Forbes team said, “You’re doing something right if your business has been heating and cooling for nearly 100 years. Rheem makes the top spot on our list for just that reason. Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau, they not only make a good air conditioner, but they treat their customers right at a reasonable cost as well. They run as quietly as more expensive brands as well, producing between 55 and 72 decibels depending on the model. Higher-end models come equipped with their EcoNet smartphone monitoring app and employ Copeland variable speed compressors for peace of mind and efficiency. Service technicians like them for their ease of access when it comes time to have them serviced.”

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